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Parent Teacher Student Association

PTSA stands for Parent Teacher Student Association. The addition of “S” in PTSA stands for students. PTA changes to PTSA at the Junior High School level, so that Parents, Teachers, and now Students can work together for the success of their school.

We desire to enhance, educate and enrich the student, parent and teacher experience at CVJH. PTSA sponsored events include: Reflections, Falcon Idol, PTSA awards night, dinner for teachers and staff at parent teacher conferences, teacher appreciation week, and monthly PTSA meetings for our student members during flight time. Our PTSA also supports and assists with the following school sponsored events: Summer Reading Party, GPA celebrations, Canyons field trip, Spelling Bee, 9th grade dinner dance, vision/hearing screenings, and more.

In order to keep being successful, we need your support. Please join our PTSA and sign up your students as well so they can be involved in the great things happening at Canyon View Junior High this year. Please consider donating an hour or two of your time to PTSA this year. Email us at [email protected] to let us know what you are interested in and we can help you get started.


Join PTSA and pay your dues online at PTSA has made a switch to managing memberships through givebacks this year. You’ll be prompted to create a givebacks account.  This step will actually make memberships easier to manage and pay for in the future.  Thank you for your patience and support!

CVJH PTSA Meeting Minutes

Click Here to see PTSA Minutes


General Meetings:

September 30, 2024

November 25, 2024

March 24, 2025

@12:15 CVJH Conference Room 109